''About You''

This section is devoted to those of you we have worked with, as well as our visitors. Thank you all!

Three men laughing at E card message on the laptopThree men laughing at E card message on the laptop
group of people with their arms hooked together representing friendship cardgroup of people with their arms hooked together representing friendship card
Thank you cardThank you card
a woman with her arms stretched outa woman with her arms stretched out
a woman laying on a bed with a cell phone reading e-carda woman laying on a bed with a cell phone reading e-card

With the Holiday Season upon us,
we know you're just itching to send out invites,
or at least have save-the-date cards, for that party night!
So before it gets too late,
type us up some details, and as soon as possible, get them in an email!


Send us your Holiday Card Ideas

and we'll work them into rhyme, so you can get them in the mail, while you still have time!

Click on the link or Gmail us with your inquiry today!
putting your thoughts to rhyme for you!

Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper

Happy Holidays