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Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper

Click here to play your aces@poetic-e-cards.com,
where you can win over hearts, one card at a time.

cupcake and party favors representing birthday party invites
cupcake and party favors representing birthday party invites

Has someone got a Birthday coming up?
You don't want to leave those invites to fate!
Why not let our team cheer them up a bit?
That way everyone will remember the date!

We write invite content for all ages,
whether it be formal or simply fun!
Send us the details via email
and we'll help make the day for someone!

Bookmark Poetic-E-cards For All Your Invitations,
Save-The-Date Content, Gift-giving, Greeting Cards, And Much More

"Happy Birthday"