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Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper
Poetic-e-cards.com  background paper

Click here to play your aces@poetic-e-cards.com,
where you can win over hearts, one card at a time.

a group of people sitting on a beach enjoying their labor day
a group of people sitting on a beach enjoying their labor day

Labor Day

Looking out to sea,
thinking all the time,
how Winter puts a hold on
Summers Rhythm and Rhyme.

Awaiting the musical celebration.
Knowing my friends will not be late.
I'm glad I turned to Poetic-E-cards
for my invites to ''save the date''!

As the fads run the ages,
we will celebrate tonight.
Then go to work tomorrow
wearing anything but white....